

While driving on Orem blvd a couple of times over the last month or so, I noticed a rather curious building. It is located on the west side of Orem blvd, around an area that seems a little shady. Painted upon the entire northern side of the building is a rather child-friendly mural, with large letters proclaiming it a "Children's Museum."

Every time I have driven by, I have always found it a little odd, because I never see any children coming or going from this "Children's Museum." Moreover I have always thought the location a bit strange as well. Why is this "Children's Museum" located in such a shady part of Orem? Why does it look sort of like an abandoned warehouse? Where are the children? The parents? The science? Today as I drove by, one of the large bay doors was open. I grew extremely excited to finally discover the contents of this mysterious museum.

It was full of white vans.


Stay away children, it's a trap.


Joliene said...


PS-- There is a shady part of Orem?

Fish Nat!on said...

shady relative to Orem. Which means not very shady at all really.

Anonymous said...

Come here little scientist, I'm a friend of your mother's

e.wilson said...

oh em gee.

Angie said...

Hmmm. Disturbing.

Bags said...

I had a roommate who was a drug dealer who used to get a lot of 'clients' at the Children's Museum. Now I know why. It's not really a Children's Museum, is it?

Dave said...

that is hell-arious.

Anonymous said...

that is the old childrens museum it closed a couple of years ago and a new one was built up at the gateway.